Following Jesus’ discipleship pattern and the shape of worship, Bring In > Build Up > Send Out becomes an engine for mission & ministry, so that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified.
Ministries that help draw us closer to Christ; worship, prayer, and Bible study.
These ministries support our weekend worship services and occasional special services, such as weddings and funerals.
Acolytes perform many practical tasks during worship, such as carrying the processional cross, lighting and extinguishing candles, and helping set the communion table. Acolytes can be of any age, but frequently are children and youth (4th grade or older).
Contact one of our pastors or Fritz Bart at (303) 279-4436
Readers read the appointed Old and New Testament scriptures, lead the congregation in the psalm, and lead the Prayers of the People. Readers prepare beforehand and are able to project their voice clearly and articulately. Any adult or youth who is comfortable and skilled in public speaking can serve as a reader.
Contact one of our pastors, or Fritz Bart at (303) 279-4436
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild takes care of the practicalities of communion for each worship service. They set the communion table (altar), prepare the bread and wine, then clean up and care for glassware, linens, and implements afterwards. This team also decorates the sanctuaries for Advent & Christmas, and regularly polishes the brass furnishings and fixtures.
Contact Dixie Termin at (303) 885-5528 or dtermin21@gmail.com
These ministries occur on Sunday mornings during our formation hour, 10:45 - 11:30am, unless noted otherwise.
Calvary Kids
Calvary Kids leaders provide loving and safe Christian spiritual formation for children 3years - 5th grade. Leaders serve in weekly rotation, utilizing a provided curriculum with the goal for kids to know and love Jesus and one another.
Calvary Kids Bible Time leaders provide a short activity based on the scripture readings during the 9:30am Great Hall service.
Contact Susie Willis at (720) 202-3063
Youth Group
Youth Group leaders help provide community and model a living faith for middle and high school students, and support parents in being the primary disciplers of their children. Youth Group will meet during formation hour and include lunch. The Together Church Youth Groups will meet together on occasion.
Contact Jake Swain (Youth Team Lead) at jacob@calvarygolden.net or 303-918-6856
Sunday Adult Formation
Formation leaders build up the living faith of participants, inviting them to learn and live God’s Word, use Christian spiritual practices for a life-long walk with Christ, and to use their gifts to build up and serve others.
Contact Kirk Quackenbush at quacks41@msn.com or (720) 290-3511, or Pastor Tim at tim@calvarygolden.net
These teams provide musical leadership for weekend worship and occasional special services, such as weddings and funerals.
Historic Chapel Music
By providing occasional solo voice, choir, and instrumental music before, during, and after worship services, this music team enhances the worship of God’s people. This team also provides choir support for special services during the year, such as seasonal choral evensong.
Contact Dennis Van Patter at dennis@calvarygolden.net or (720) 988-3357
Great Hall Music
A number of rotating teams select, rehearse, and lead musical worship for Calvary’s 9:30am Sunday Great Hall service. Music styles are varied, including contemporary, bluegrass, folk, hymns, and special music.
Contact John Middleton middletonjd1@gmail.com or (720) 545-7896
Audio/Visual Team
This team supports worship in the Great Hall by setting up microphones and cables, and then mixing the sound and operating the slideshow during worship in the Great Hall. Team members are trained for audio or slides, or both. Members of any age are encouraged to serve.
Contact Dan Summers at danielsummerssdsu@gmail.com or (605) 690-0960
These groups meet weekly to nurture a deepening living faith in the Lord Jesus, through scripture, prayer and sharing life together.
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study is open to all women, meeting Tuesday mornings 9:00am to 11:30am at Calvary for Bible study, discussion, and community. This study meets during the school year and for part of the summer. Please join us.
Contact Gail Wise at (303) 808-9915 for more information.
Men’s Prayer Group
This group provides a time for deep relationships, prayer for one another, and intercession for the Calvary community and others. The relationships are further strengthened by eating breakfast together! Please join us each Thursday at 6am, in person in the Historic Chapel or via Zoom (contact Phil for the link).
Contact Phil Ill at (303) 877-6847 or phillipeill@comcast.net
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
This group provides a rich community of persons with which to learn both the overarching story of God and his people in the Bible, and to take a deeper dive into specific books of the Bible. You’ll learn a lot and enjoy the company. Wednesdays, 6:45pm at Calvary.
Cathy Hitch and others lead this group
Contact Cathy at cehitch@gmail.com or (303) 278-4436
These ministries provide a welcoming presence and warm hospitality during and following weekend worship services.
Hosts are the welcoming face of Calvary at each worship service. Hosts focus on first-timers and newer guests, connecting them with others in the Calvary community. They provide practical help with getting seated, locating bathrooms, taking the offering, and with bulletins. Hosts also take a count of those present for worship, help keep sidewalks clear of snow, and pick up the sanctuary following each service.
Contact Steve Rasmussen at sras01@outlook.com or (303) 905-4902
Coffee and Community
The Coffee and Community Team prepares and serves refreshments (coffee, tea, and water) following each weekend worship service. Fellowship and Community building is the goal of this ministry - the refreshments help with that! All supplies are provided, along with a small budget for food goodies. Coffee and Community hosts usually serve with others so setup and clean up goes quickly, and a large enough team creates a monthly rotation.
We’re rebuilding this team, and we need some leaders and some workers.
Contact Pastor Scott at scott@calvarygolden.net or (303) 299-2188 or Pastor Tim at tim@calvarygolden.net or (303) 279-2188
Ministries that encourage strong connections; friendship, support, and care.
Often drawn together through affinity, these groups share life together, grow in love for Jesus, and find ways to serve the wider community.
Millennials in Fellowship
Meeting regularly in homes around the community, M.I.F. support one another in daily work, faith, and family life as followers of Jesus. M.I.F. is open to all millennials (or approximate ones).
Contact Jen House at jenvandonk@gmail.com
Calvary Moms
Join with other moms each month for a time to gather, connect and encourage one another during all seasons of life and motherhood. Come when you can, leave when you need; expectant moms, new moms, and veteran moms are all welcome! Watch the Weekly Update for information.
Contact Ally Bader 720-227-7174 or allymgrove@gmail.com
“Older People Up to Something!” This fun and active group enjoys fellowship and activities throughout the year. Group members take turns planning and organizing activities and outings. All those 55+ are welcome. A great way to meet with old friends and make new ones.
Contact Millie or Jim Thomas at milliejimthm@gmail.com
Men’s Group (Testosterone)
As the name suggests, “Testosterone” is a gathering of the men of Calvary Church. Beer, brats and brotherhood create a welcoming atmosphere for men to connect and find friendship. This group also supports one another in prayer and accountability, and finds practical ways to serve the church family and wider community.
Contact Jim Hill at jhflytyer@prodigy.net
Gather College Ministry
Gather is a ministry to and for Colorado School of Mines students. A fun community of students learning to live the practices of faith in Jesus, meets weekly, each Tuesday of the school year at 4:00pm.
Those who serve as Gather leaders build relationships with the students at weekly meetings and occasional one on one times.
Contact Pastor Scott at scott@calvarygolden.net
Providing practical, emotional, and spiritual care for Calvary members who find themselves needing help.
Seniors Ministry
This team provides emotional and spiritual support and practical help for Calvary members as they age. With a lunch outing, a ride to an appointment, or just a visit, team members share God’s love and care. If you’re a senior needing support or someone ready to help, contact Lynda.
Contact Lynda Staab, 303-349-2924
Casserole Patrol
When sick or recovering from surgery, it’s a blessing to have someone bring a lovingly prepared meal; in this way the Casserole Patrol provides care and welcome respite. If you are in need of the services of Casserole Patrol contact a Calvary pastor. To serve on the team, contact Diana.
Contact Diana Packard at diana.packard@gmail.com
Hospitality Team
This team organizes and serves receptions (food and drinks) for families and guests after a funeral service. A practical and loving way to support members of our church family. To request a reception, contact a Calvary pastor. To serve on the Hospitality Team, please contact Millie.
Contact Millie at milliejimthm@gmail.com
Eucharistic Ministers
Those who serve in this ministry connect with members of our Calvary family who are not able to attend worship services, such as new parents, those recovering from surgery or illness, or older members who are frail or infirm. Eucharistic Ministers lead a short worship service, and share communion with those they are visiting in-person. Phone visits can also be made as needed. Members of the team are on a rotating schedule and training is provided.
Contact Pastor Bethany at bethany@calvarygolden.net
Calvary Prayer Team
God loves hearing and responding to the prayers of his people. This team brings the needs and concerns of Calvary members to the Lord in prayer and intercession in love and support. Requests can be sent to a pastor, to Susan, or submitted at calvarygolden.net/prayer. Requests are then sent out to the team, who pray daily during the following week.
Contact Susan Gibbs at gibbsgang@gmail.com
These teams support Calvary’s ongoing mission & ministry by covering key office and financial tasks.
Weekday Welcome Team
This team serves when the office is open by greeting and serving those who come to the Calvary office for food or financial assistance, for meetings, or for bible studies. The focus is on helping those who are in need and building relationships.
Team members take morning or afternoon shifts, most serving once a week.
Contact Pastor Scott at scott@calvarygolden.net
This team serves the church by preparing and making bank deposits from the check and cash offerings made each weekend, and in processing electronic giving.
Counters need comfort with computers, can maintain confidentiality, and are detail-oriented. Counters usually serve in teams on Monday mornings.
Contact Nancy Walker nlw23@comcast.net or Pastor Scott
Scholarship Fund
The Scholarship Fund provides young adults with scholarships for advanced education. You can give to support this fund through the monthly Pocket Change Sunday or at calvarygolden.net/give.
Contact Mike Keckler at mkeckler@comcast.net
These teams support Calvary’s ongoing mission & ministry by caring for our buildings, grounds, and history keeping.
Gardens and Grounds
This team plans and provides care for the plants, flowers, trees, and grass that are part of the Calvary Church campus, including planting, weeding, and reworking flower beds and planters.
Contact Linda Meserve at lrm8888@aol.com or Pastor Scott at scott@calvarygolden.net
Facilities Team
This group of volunteers serve, on an as needed basis, by maintaining, repairing, and improving Calvary buildings, including routine maintenance, repairs, painting, and projects that fall within their ability.
Contact Pastor Scott at scott@calvarygolden.net or 303-279-2188
History Guild
History Guild members enjoy researching, compiling and preserving significant documents and records pertaining to Calvary’s long and distinguished history. This year, the Calvary community is celebrating 155 years!
Contact SueAnn Keckler at sakeckler@comcast.net
Ministries that proclaim and demonstrate God’s love; outreach, serving, and witness.
These ministries provide care for Golden residents and beyond with a welcoming presence and a warm meal or needed groceries.
Calvary Food Shelf (CFS)
Residents and unhoused members of our community access this vital resource to help them meet their food needs. The CFS Team shops for and picks up food, stocks the pantry, and makes sure healthy, fresh, and shelf stable food is always available. Monetary and food donations are always welcome. Speak with Kirk to explore how you might be involved.
Contact Kirk Quackenbush at quacks41@msn.com
Thanksgiving Food Boxes
This ministry provides Thanksgiving meals to families and individuals in the Golden community. Calvary members volunteer time with set-up, packing, distribution, and clean-up. Monetary donations are also needed to make this ministry happen.
Contact Shannon Campbell at shannon@calvarygolden.net
Lunch and Life
Lunch and Life provides Mines students and staff a warm meal, community, and an encouraging word each Tuesday of the academic year. The kitchen team cooks, serves, and cleans up after the meal, while table hosts provide a regular, Christ-like presence for relationship building with students.
Contact Craig Horlacher (kitchen team) at (303) 842-0452, or Pastor Scott (table hosts) at scott@calvarygolden.net
Safe Outdoor Space (SOS) Meals
The SOS ministry provides temporary and safe housing for those experiencing homelessness. Calvary members of all ages are invited to provide support to the residents by preparing a meal together at Calvary and then serving it on site the 3rd Sunday of each month.
Contact Vanessa Hayes at vanessa.wharton@gmail.com or
Shannon Campbell at shannon@calvarygolden.net
These ministries provide care through presence and practical help for those experiencing a variety of needs.
Salvation Army, Golden
The Salvation Army, Golden, located at Calvary, assists Golden residents who are experiencing financial hardship with paying rent, utility bills, and medical co-pays. A committee oversees and directs; setting assistance guidelines, organizing fundraising (such as the Bell Ringing Campaign during the holidays), and managing the budget. A Back-to-School Shopping Spree is held each year, helping local low-income families, in partnership with the CO Mills Target store.
Volunteers and new committee members are always welcome, as is financial support, to help meet the needs of our neighbors.
Contact Bethany Thomas at bethany@calvarygolden.net
Golden Rescue Fund (GRF)
The GRF is a community-wide resource located at Calvary. It provides emergency assistance to residents and those passing through our community. This includes help with bus passes, grocery gift cards, gas cards, glasses, socks/hats/gloves, diapers, and minor car repairs. Ongoing financial support is needed and donations are welcome.
Contact Bethany Thomas at bethany@calvarygolden.net
St. Francis Center
Calvary members serve at this day shelter for the homeless in Denver the 4th Sunday morning of each month. Volunteers serve the guests at the mail and storage counter, work in the clothing room or laundry, or help to sort donations. Calvary volunteers often go to lunch together after serving. Please consider joining the Calvary team!
Contact Kathie Gerwig at kdgedg2@gmail.com
By providing housing, community, and financial support, these ministries help people transition from hard circumstances into fruitful participation in the Golden and surrounding community.
Trajectory provides short-term housing and long-term community to those being released from Jefferson County Jail. The housing will be an immediately available, affordable, short-term, alcohol and drug-free living environment. Calvary members will form a community of support to meet practical, relational and spiritual needs for individuals who are highly motivated to get their lives back on track.
Contact Jason Weekly at jason.weekley@hotmail.com
Refugee HOME Team
The H.O.M.E. (Housing Outreach Mentorship Education) Team volunteers partner with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to support refugee families. Volunteers furnish apartments for the families, and can continue the relationship through friendship and mentorship. This past year the team furnished the Qaderi Family apartment and stocked the pantry, and are supporting the family as they transition to living in this country.
Contact Carol Rose at zzzzcarol@aol.com or Shannon Campbell at shannon@calvarygolden.net for more information.
In addition to partnering with International Rescue Committee (www.rescue.org/united-states/denver-co), Calvary also financially supports Lutheran Family Services (www.lfsrm.org) and African Community Center (www.acc-den.org). There are volunteer opportunities available within all of these ministries.
Calvary supports those experiencing hardship in Golden and surrounding areas through partnership and service in these community ministries.
BGoldN focuses on reducing food insecurity by working with students who attend Golden schools by making sure they and their families have access to the food they need. Volunteer opportunities are available, especially at the Fresh Food Pantry located in south Golden.
Go to www.bgoldn.org for more information or to volunteer.
Go Farm works to strengthen the local food system by training and supporting local farmers, connecting people with local agriculture, and increasing equitable access to nutrient-rich food grown in Colorado.
Go to www.gofarm.org for more information or to volunteer.
Golden Neighborhood Rehab/Be A Tool
This ministry provides home repair and premises clean up for community members to help them stay safe, warm, and dry. Calvary members participate as a team in the Be A Tool day of service, and as individuals/families throughout the year.
Go to www.beatool.org for more information or to volunteer.
The Miracle Shop
The Miracle Shop is a project of The Rotary Club of Golden. It is a widely anticipated event for financially struggling families, which is held at Calvary each December. Parents and guardians can shop for high quality, donated toys and gifts for their children at garage sale prices - no one is turned away. Calvary members make donations and help with set-up.
Go to www.themiracleshop.org for more information.