Young Adults

Spaghetti Night Fellowship, Sojourners, and more

There are a number of friendship groups for believers in their 20's & early 30's who gather for food, fellowship, Bible study, prayer, discussion, service and general frivolity.  We'd love to have you join us! See below for some specific opportunities for walking in Christ with others. Contact Pastor Scott Campbell for more information.

College Ministry

Mines, CCU, and other college students, we’re glad you’re here and that we are neighbors! A special welcome to those who are new to college/grad school! We would love to connect, get to know you, serve, and bless you. Here are some starting points.


Calvary’s in house college group where for your mind, heart, body and soul. At Gather we seek and find ways to walk in faith in Jesus, care for one another, and use our minds and abilities for His glory. And we have fun. Thursdays, 4:00pm, Great Hall entrance off of 14th street. Contact Pastor Scott at 303-279-2188 or

Lunch & Life

I chunch on Tuesdays!

Join us on Tuesdays from 11am - 1pm.

Better known as Chunch (a portmanteau of “church” and “lunch”)— Tuesdays, 11:00am - 1:00pm in the Great Hall (enter from 14th street). It is a good home-cooked meal, fun conversation, and some encouragement each Tuesday of the school year. It’s the highlight of many student’s week (bring a friend, eat for free, no catches). Contact Pastor Scott at 303-279-2188 or

This is a quick video we shot as part of a grant application. It is pretty fun and we appreciate all who were willing to be videoed.

We have the privilege of opening our doors to a few hundred of our closest friends at the Colorado School of Mines and feed them lunch every Tuesday.  We love doing this mission because so much of Jesus' ministry took place over a meal.  All are welcome, and we trust the Holy Spirit to work on hearts as we offer radical love & hospitality to students from every nation and many walks of life. You can see a short video about the program here. Lunch & Life is held from 11:00am to 1pm on Tuesdays. Please join us.

We do not ever charge for Lunch & Life. Gratefully, many alumni and others have given to assure Lunch & Life continues to provide community around a table and a warm meal. Our gratitude, and that of Mines students and faculty! Donations to support Lunch & Life are most welcome and may be given securely - use the “Support Lunch & Life” button at the bottom of the page.

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Keep up to date with Lunch and Life

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

Calvary loves partnering with other Christian ministries. Libby and Cody, with FCA, are two awesome campus ministers who would love to help you connect and grow. Check out FCA at

Grad Student Ministry

Getting their feet wet this year with a focus on grad students is InterVarsity. To connect or for questions, Ed Black is the ONE to reach out to at

ESL Ministry

English as a Second Language ministry (ESL) provides conversational skills and social connection for those who are wanting to learn English in a fun, relational way. This ministry initially formed because many spouses of Lunch and Life students from other countries both wanted to converse, but meet others, have fun, and have good emotional support. While Calvary is a Christian church, this is a group of people from many faiths.

The focus is on language, but there are also occasional guest speakers, outings to museums, and art projects—all to grow in relationship, cultural familiarity, and language skill.

Calvary’s Jan McCulloh is the facilitator. She has taught English in Spain, Italy and Venezuela, and to refugee children and adults in the U.S. If you would like further information, please contact her at