Welcome to Calvary Outreach


Outreach Ministry is the church at work reaching out to meet the needs in a wider community. Calvary has a long history of outreach in Golden and beyond. There are many ways for members of the Calvary family to serve. A list of current and ongoing ministries is on the Outreach Opportunities page. We welcome all who are interested in serving the wider community and are happy to help you find the best fit.  

Our Mission Statement

As followers of Christ committed to servant ministry we will use our time, talents, and treasure to minister to the immediate and ongoing material, relational, and spiritual needs of the community (Relief) and invest in long range solutions addressing root causes of such needs (Development). Our focus is primarily in Golden, the greater Denver area and occasionally encompasses a broader global perspective.

Our Outreach Team

The Calvary Outreach Team is a group of Calvary members whose vision is to, by the grace of God, engage in loving service throughout the Golden community and beyond as a natural part of Christian life. The members meet monthly to pray, discuss and research outreach opportunities, and prayerfully discern Calvary’s involvement.

Members include:

Roger Brown

Shannon Campbell

Meg Frantz

Kathie Gerwig

Vanessa Hayes

Kirk Quackenbush

Steve Rasmussen

Bill Richardson

Jennifer Robinson

If you are interested in joining the Calvary Outreach Team, please contact Meg Frantz at megfrantz@comcast.net or Steve Rasmussen at sras01@outlook.com