What is giving?
“But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” - 2 Corinthians 8:7
Giving to the Lord is, first and foremost, an act of worship. It honors and reflects His nature - His generosity toward us - and is an act of faithfulness. We give generously to the Church out of gratitude for the grace that God has shown to us. Regular giving contributes to the mission of the Church, and is an opportunity to grow in faith in obedience to God. Below, the Stewardship Team has outlined some ways to contribute to the mission and ministry of Calvary Church.
What is a pledge?
Making a pledge serves two purposes:
First, it gives us a concrete opportunity to express our faith and to grow in that faith. When pledges are asked for, we should prayerfully consider our motivations to give, allowing the Holy Spirit to prompt our hearts and minds: Am I giving out of gratitude? Am I giving in trust? Is my giving to God my primary financial commitment, and is it in proportion to what God entrusts to me?
Second, making a pledge helps the leaders of Calvary with their planning and budgeting for the upcoming year.
How do I give?
Text to Give
Simpley text “Give2Calvary” to (833) 814-1100 to initiate text-based giving. The reply includes a link to giving from your smartphone. After completing the needed fields, you can give one time or set up recurring gifts.
In worship (check or cash)
Many people give simply by placing their gift in the offering box as they enter for worship (or in the offering plate during the offering). Giving envelopes are available through the church office if you would like your contribution to be confidential.
Online giving
Online giving is an easy, secure, and confidential way to give. You can make one-time gifts or set up repeating gifts using a bank account or debit card. Our online giving portal is located here.
Mail or drop your gift off to the church office
You may mail your gift to the church office, or drop it off in person during the week. Envelopes are available in the church office if you would like your contribution to be confidential.
Online bill pay through your bank
You can give to Calvary by setting up regular, automatic contributions through your bank’s bill payment service. In most cases this will automatically mail a check to the church.
Giving Stock or Marketable Securities
Often giving a stock, security, or cryptocurrency gives the donor a tax advantage. There are a two mays to make such gifts to Calvary.
Through Calvarygolden.net/give is the simplest way to make such gifts. Once there, choose the cryptocurrency or stock from the “How would you like to give?” drop down. This will take you to our trusted intemediary, Engiven. Follow the instructions on each page. Please do forward your confirmation email to Pastor Scott at business@calvarygolden.net. This is our preferred means.
Through Calvary’s account at the Colorado Episcopal Foundation. Please download this form from the Colorado Episcopal Foundation, complete it in full, and mail/email/fax it to the Colorado Episcopal Foundation at the numbers provided at the bottom of the form. Please email a copy to Pastor Scott at business@calvarygolden.net.
If you have any questions, please call or email Pastor Scott, our Executive Pastor, at (303) 279-2188 or scott@calvarygolden.net.
Required Minimum Distributions from IRAs
You can make a gift to Calvary to fulfill your required minimum distribution (RMD) from IRAs. The easiest way is to ask your institution to pay Calvary directly via check, and mail it to us at the address, below. Most institutions include your name and indicate that the tax benefit has been recognized within the IRA. However, not all do, so please let Pastor Scott know you have initiated a gift, giving him a heads up in case it comes without appropriate attribution. For some independent yet clear notes on charitable gifts from your IRA, click here. Our address is:
Calvary Church, Golden, 1320 Arapahoe St, Golden CO 80401