Register for Dinners for Six!

It's Not Too Late to Register for Dinner for Six!
Join with other Calvary individuals, couples, or families for dinner
once per month for six months in participants' homes.

The agenda is simple--connecting with others.

We'll put together groups from those who register and then email all to get it going, encouraging households to connect in neighborhoods if possible. 
Groups do not need to be exactly six, and those with families may can determine how to incorporate their children. 

We encourage the first gathering in February or early March.

Sign up here: Click here for an online form 

Taize Worship for Lent - This Sunday March 3 - 5:00pm

Taize Worship for Lent - This Sunday March 3 - 5:00pm
Please join us for a Lenten service of Taizé music, scripture, prayer, and meditation. This service - led by clergy, choir, and instrumentalists - is a good opportunity to prayerfully observe the contemplative season of Lent. The Taizé Community is an ecumenical Christian monastic fraternity in Taizé, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France.

The service will be held on Sunday, March 3, at 5:00pm in the Great Hall.